116 N. York Street, 3rd Floor, Elmhurst, IL 60126

Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC312-605-4041


How Much Child Support I Will Receive After My Divorce?

 Posted on September 29, 2016 in Child Support

child support, Illinois divorce lawyersAs parents entering the divorce process face the new challenge of being a single parent, they are both presented with a slew of new tasks and arrangements that must be handled as quickly and efficiently as possible to ensure the entire family is cared for once the marriage is officially over. While a some divorces end peacefully and mutually, bumps along the way are to be expected. Addressing issues such as child support and parenting time (visitation) early on can help prevent a lot of unnecessary stress for you, the other parent, and any children affected by the separation.

What Every Parent Needs to Know About Child Support Calculations

The court considers two primary factors when determining the amount of child support you will receive: the non-residential parent's net income and the child's best interests. Due to the fact that there are a variety of circumstances that determine the best interests of the child, the court must weigh each factor before determining an amount they feel is just.

The non-custodial parent's needs are also taken into consideration when assessing these factors. Everything from each parent's financial resources to the emotional/physical state of the children and the standard of living that the child was accustomed to before the divorce is acknowledged. Once the court has thoroughly examined the circumstances that surround the child's needs, those results are combined with the non-custodial parent's net income to declare an official amount.

The Magic Formula

Illinois Statutory Guidelines create the foundation for which the court determines the amount of child support you will receive. Although circumstantial factors are seriously considered when determining the amount, the state abides by these general guidelines to ensure the process is structured and that the amount is fair. One main component that is accounted for is the number of children the parent is required to support. For example, if the parent is to support one child, 20% of their net income must be paid in support. For two children, the percentage increases to 28, and so on.

Initially, the child support process can seem overwhelming. However, thanks to state guidelines that hold parents accountable, with the help of an experienced Elmhurst, IL child support attorney you can protect your rights and ensure your family is properly cared for following your divorce. We would be honored to assist you with your case. Call Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC today at 312-605-4041 for a personal consultation.



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