116 N. York Street, 3rd Floor, Elmhurst, IL 60126
Elmhurst and Chicago Subpoena and Deposition Defense Attorneys

Elmhurst, Chicago, and Park Ridge Lawyers Providing Representation to Third Parties in Legal Cases
Have you been served with a subpoena, and you are not a party to the case? Are you the parent, significant other, caregiver, or some other third party to a divorce or other type of family law proceeding that is going to be deposed and needs representation? We can help you. We can defend your rights and represent you during these proceedings, including trial subpoenas and records subpoenas. We know how scary these processes can be, and we will protect your rights.
First, why were you served with this document? During a civil lawsuit or a criminal trial, the discovery phase of the proceedings will allow the parties to gather relevant information and ensure that they are fully prepared to address the legal issues involved in the case. Attorneys for both sides will use a variety of methods to obtain information, including depositions and subpoenas. These methods often require the involvement of third parties who may not be directly involved in the legal proceedings. After receiving a deposition or subpoena request, a person may be concerned about protecting their rights while ensuring that they comply with all of the legal requirements. As they determine the best ways to respond to these requests, they can consult with a skilled attorney, and if necessary, they can secure legal representation and protect against potential legal consequences.
The attorneys of Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC can provide legal help for third parties who receive subpoena or deposition requests. Our trial lawyers have extensive experience in divorce and family law cases and other types of litigation, and we understand the procedures followed during the discovery process and in hearings and trials. We can answer questions about the rights and obligations that apply to third parties who receive these types of requests, and we can provide assistance to ensure that they comply with all requirements while protecting themselves against legal issues that may affect them in the future.
Protecting Your Rights in Depositions and Subpoenas
A deposition involves testimony provided by a witness in a legal case. It will take the form of an interview that is conducted outside of court, although the witness will be placed under oath and required to answer all questions fully and honestly. Depositions may be recorded, and video or audio recordings or transcripts of the interview may be presented as evidence during a trial.
Subpoenas are court orders requiring a person to turn over certain types of evidence or appear in court. Because these orders are issued by a judge, a person is required to comply with a request, and failure to do so may result in the person being held in contempt of court.
Our firm can provide representation to third parties in cases involving:
- Notices of deposition - When the attorney representing a plaintiff or defendant requests a deposition, a notice of deposition will be sent to the person who is being requested to testify, as well as others involved in the case. Both parties may be present at a deposition, and attorneys for both sides may examine or cross-examine the witness. Our attorneys can provide legal help to those who receive a deposition request. We can help prepare for an interview, discuss the types of questions that may be asked, provide guidance on how these questions should be answered, and ensure that a person takes the correct steps to protect themselves by avoiding incriminating statements and answering questions thoroughly.
- Subpoenas for records - A plaintiff or defendant may obtain a court order requiring a person to turn over certain forms of evidence (documentation) relevant to a legal case. These subpoenas may include requests for financial records, photographs, letters, wills, other types of legal documents, screen shots, or other types of information. A person who receives a subpoena may send the requested documents through mail, email, or other methods. Our lawyers can help third parties respond to these requests correctly, ensuring that they comply with all legal requirements while avoiding the release of information that may be incriminating or may lead to other legal consequences. We can also help third parties file appropriate objections to subpoenas if turning over certain information would violate their rights, lead to unjust or unfair results, unduly burden them, are prejudicial, harassing, or an array of other valid objections we can provide counsel on. We can also prepare and notarize the appropriate affidavit.
- Trial subpoenas - If either party in a legal case wishes to call a third party as a witness in their case, they may ask the court to issue a subpoena that will compel the person to appear at a hearing or trial. We can help third parties determine how to respond to these requests, and we can help them prepare to give testimony in court while ensuring that their rights will be protected. We will also prepare in court with you and protect your testimony during your court appearance – objecting where necessary as your zealous advocates.
Contact Our DuPage County Deposition and Subpoena Defense Lawyers
If you have received a request to testify in a legal case or turn over documents, you will want to make sure you meet your legal requirements while avoiding any actions that could lead to potential consequences. To learn how our firm can provide effective legal representation in these matters, contact us today or call us at 312-605-4041.