116 N. York Street, 3rd Floor, Elmhurst, IL 60126

Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC312-605-4041


Mediation: Coming to an Agreement in the Divorce Process

 Posted on April 21, 2016 in Mediation

divorce mediation in Illinois, Elmhurst family lawyersIf you are readying yourself to file for divorce, you have likely heard the term mediation at least once during the time you have begun acquainting yourself with the divorce process. Mediation serves a number of purposes when you file for divorce, but its primary role is to provide an alternative platform for dispute resolution between you and your ex-spouse.

Mediation is relatively quick, always confidential, and is voluntary. A judge may order you to attend mediation, but all potential resolutions discussed must be agreed upon mutually, by both parties. Mediation's biggest appeal is that it is proven to work.

The Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) Mediation Unit reports that they have over an 80 percent resolution rate for all conferences held. If you are considering mediation as you enter a divorce, you are not alone, and you have a very good chance at achieving some common ground with your spouse should you decide to try it out.

Benefits of Mediation

The concept behind mediation is for partners to come to certain agreements—financial, lifestyle, and otherwise—in a respectful, conflict-free manner in order to prepare for life post-divorce. Mediation provides a civil, safe environment in which to sit down and discuss your concerns, needs, and priorities in the presence of a professional third party, called a mediator.

This is someone who will help facilitate and guide the conversation until common ground is found and both parties mutually agree on and are satisfied with the resolutions discussed. If you find that discussing conflicts with your partner in private is only escalating the argument, or you feel that you cannot seem to agree on a certain settlement, then you can greatly benefit from a professional mediation conference.

Initiating the Process

To begin the process toward an amicable agreement, enlist the help of an experienced mediation attorney to take the next step. Once both you and your ex-spouse agree to attend, a neutral mediator will answer your questions and oversee the entire meeting. When you are ready to get started, contact our skilled Elmhurst family law attorneys. Our team consists of a certified mediator and we would be honored to help you with any divorce or family law need. Call Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC at 312-605-4041 to schedule an initial consultation today.


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