116 N. York Street, 3rd Floor, Elmhurst, IL 60126

Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC312-605-4041


Should I Hire a Private Investigator During My Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on March 19, 2020 in Divorce

Illinois divorce attorney

What do you think of when you think of a private investigator? You might think of a detective in a trench coat lurking in the shadows. While the image of private investigators in the eye of Hollywood is exaggerated, the actual job of a private investigator is exactly what it sounds like — to investigate. A private investigator might seem unnecessary during a divorce, but having a private investigator on your team can actually be beneficial. Here are a few ways a private investigator can be of use during your Illinois divorce:

  • They can investigate a spouse who might be cheating. The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act states that decisions during the divorce will be made “without regard to marital misconduct.” This means the court cannot take into consideration the fact that a spouse committed adultery when it comes to issues such as asset division and child custody. However, a private investigator may be able to determine if a spouse dissipated or “wasted” marital assets on a lover. If it is found that your spouse dissipated assets, the court will adjust the division of assets accordingly.
  • They can help alleviate child custody concerns. Your utmost priority during a divorce and in general is the wellbeing of your children. In some cases, you may be concerned about the safety of your children during your spouse's parenting time. If you are concerned that your spouse is being reckless or endangering your children, a private investigator can help.
  • They can help identify hidden assets. Another role a private investigator can play is by looking through your financial records and making sure everything looks correct. Before you divide your assets, you should hire a private investigator to determine if your spouse is hiding assets from you or not. A private investigator has the skills needed to notice errors on tax returns or bank statements that could suggest hidden assets.
  • They can ensure your spouse does not have you under surveillance. If your spouse was controlling during your marriage, there is a good chance they could also be controlling during the divorce. Even if they were not controlling during the marriage, divorce can change some spouses, pushing them to spy on you. A private investigator has the tools and technology needed to discover if your spouse has been tracking your location or monitoring your electronic devices.

A DuPage County Divorce Attorney Can Guide You Through the Process

Hiring a private investigator during your divorce may seem superfluous, but it can prove to be extremely useful. Having the help of a private investigator can ensure you are as informed about your divorce as possible. At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, we have experience dealing with complex divorce cases. Our skilled team of Elmhurst, IL divorce lawyers can help you determine whether or not a private investigator could be of use in your case. Call our office today at 312-605-4041 to schedule a consultation.




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