116 N. York Street, 3rd Floor, Elmhurst, IL 60126

Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC312-605-4041


What Is a Parenting Coordinator and Do I Need One During My Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on May 22, 2020 in Child Custody

Il divorce lawyerFor many couples who are divorcing with children, much of the stress present during the divorce accumulates because of child-related issues. It can sometimes feel like you are fighting tooth and nail to ensure your children are getting what is best for them. The issue is that your spouse also thinks that he knows what is best for the children and most of the time, that idea does not line up entirely with yours. Most parents will have some sort of an argument or disagreement at some point during the process, but when the situation gets too out of hand, the judge might intervene and order you and your spouse to work with a parenting coordinator.

The Role of a Parenting Coordinator

A parenting coordinator, also known as a PC, is a highly-trained professional who helps parents that are separated or divorced settle their disputes about child-related issues. PCs are used in situations in which the parents of a child just cannot seem to get along or cooperate with one another. The PC's main task is to help couples make decisions without having to make multiple court appearances. A PC may also:

  • Make recommendations to the court concerning approaches that are aimed at reducing the conflict between parents and stress on the children
  • Mediate disputes between parents
  • Recommend other resources such as psychotherapy, drug counseling and/or testing, or parenting classes
  • Serve as a line of communication between parents
  • Give the couple tools and practices to help facilitate healthy communication

When Would a Parenting Coordinator Be Appointed?

Most of the time, parenting coordinators are appointed to couples by a judge. Parents are permitted to hire a parenting coordinator of their own will, but both parents must be in agreement, making it a rare occurrence. A parenting coordinator is usually used as a last resort and is appointed if:

  • The parents have failed to effectively communicate or implement a parenting plan or parenting time schedule
  • Mediation has been attempted and has not been successful or the judge determines mediation would be inappropriate
  • Appointing a parenting coordinator would be in the best interests of the child or children involved in the case

Our DuPage County Divorce Lawyers Are Here to Help

Issues involving your children are often some of the most contentious issues in your divorce. If you and your spouse are unable to reach an agreement about your child-related issues, you may need to accept the aid of a parenting coordinator. At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, we can help you understand what is expected of you from a parenting coordinator. Attorney Maxine Weiss-Kunz has both acted as a parenting coordinator and worked alongside other parenting coordinators involved in her client's cases. Call our experienced Elmhurst, IL divorce attorneys today at 312-605-4041 to schedule a consultation.





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