116 N. York Street, 3rd Floor, Elmhurst, IL 60126

Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC312-605-4041


Top Tips for Creating an Agreeable Long-Distance Parenting Plan

 Posted on March 20, 2020 in Child Custody

IL custody lawyerParenting is never easy, even if you are still together with the other parent of your child. After divorce, especially, parenting can become even more difficult when you have to agree on when the children will spend time with each parent and how you and your ex will divide or share important decision-making responsibilities. This stress becomes compounded when you and your ex live far apart from one another. Creating a long-distance parenting plan can seem nearly impossible at times, but it is entirely possible to craft a plan that works for both you, your ex, and your children.

Plan for Frequent In-Person Visits

For some families, in-person visits can be difficult. However, you should try to place in-person visits at the top of your priorities. Your child deserves to be able to spend time with both you and your ex. Scheduling regular in-person visits, such as monthly or every other month, is crucial to allow your child to maintain a relationship with his or her other parent. You should also consider allowing your child to spend school vacations or breaks with your ex.

Coordinate Your Travel Details

One of the major stresses of long-distance parenting plans is how you handle the travel details. If you and your ex are so far apart that airplane travel is required, this can complicate things. In order to make the distance easier on everyone, you should coordinate with your ex as much as possible to make sure they understand all of the travel details when in-person visits take place, especially if you are transporting your child. You should share times, dates, methods of travel, and costs with your ex to prevent any misunderstandings.

Include Provisions for Virtual Visitation

Facilitating a close and loving relationship with both parents should be the primary objective of any parenting plan. For parents who live far away from one another, this can seem difficult, especially if frequent in-person visits are not always possible. To help your child keep that relationship with your ex, your parenting plan should also contain provisions for virtual visitation with your spouse. There are many ways your child can keep in contact with your ex, including texting, video chat, and phone calls.

Seek Help From an Elmhurst, IL Parenting Plan Attorney

Going through a divorce can be stressful for everyone involved, especially your children. If you or your spouse are planning to relocate, you need to make provisions for your long-distance parenting plan as soon as possible. At Weiss-Kunz & Oliver, LLC, we know how important it is that your child is able to spend time with both of his or her parents. Our knowledgeable DuPage County parenting plan lawyers can help you draft a parenting plan that accounts for the distance between you and your spouse, while still providing appropriate parenting time for your child. Call our office today at 312-605-4041 to set up a consultation.




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